samuel and Eli

God calls each and every one of us. Some people hear a literal voice like Samuel did. For others God’s call unfolds slowly throughout our lives. As Christians, though, we all get the same primary calling from God - to follow Jesus. Following Jesus will mean different things at different times of our lives.
Samuel is a young boy when this story happens. He hears the voice of God, and his grown-up, Eli, helps him know how to respond. He says “yes” to God before he even knows what God is asking of him! The first thing God asked him to do must have seemed hard. He had to go deliver bad news to Eli. But Samuel did it. This calling from God was life-long. Samuel would be the prophet who anointed kings for Israel.
How is God calling you?
Are you listening and watching for what God wants you to do?
We are never too young to say to God, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
"Out of the mouth of babes..." We usually perceive our role as the ones helping our children become aware of God. But, even young ones may also minister to us! Listen to your child and be open to the way God speaks to you through them.
Samuel is a young boy when this story happens. He hears the voice of God, and his grown-up, Eli, helps him know how to respond. He says “yes” to God before he even knows what God is asking of him! The first thing God asked him to do must have seemed hard. He had to go deliver bad news to Eli. But Samuel did it. This calling from God was life-long. Samuel would be the prophet who anointed kings for Israel.
How is God calling you?
Are you listening and watching for what God wants you to do?
We are never too young to say to God, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
"Out of the mouth of babes..." We usually perceive our role as the ones helping our children become aware of God. But, even young ones may also minister to us! Listen to your child and be open to the way God speaks to you through them.
Read It: 1 Samuel 3:1-18
I Samuel 3:10: The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times,
“Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
“Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
Do It

Option 1: Create a “God Calling” pillowcase. In the Bible, God often speaks to people in dreams or calls them in the night, like in this story with Samuel. During the day, we often are so busy doing that our lives get a little crowded. I wonder; maybe it’s easier for God to get through to us at night! For this month’s activity, create a pillowcase that will help you remember, even as you go to sleep, to pay attention to God’s call.
- Find or buy a plain pillowcase (light colors work best) and some fabric markers.
- Wash the pillowcase.
- Draw and write reminders to listen for God’s call on the pillowcase. Maybe you want to write, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Or perhaps, “Here I am, send me.” A young child may choose to draw some pictures of Samuel’s story.
- Wash the pillowcase again before you use it.
Pray It
God, here we are. Speak. We are listening and watching. Amen.
“This is the story…” is up and running! This all-age, home-based, year-long series is created to provide continuity in faith formation in the midst of this strange time we find ourselves in. It’s designed to have begun in June, but you can begin it any time, either doing multiple weeks for a bit to catch up, or just doing a week at a time for a year starting now!