Many other resources are provided within the website on topic entries, both for current year and past years' practices.
Mennonite Church USA website link to resources
Faith at Home: Tools for parents to use at home to nurture faith in their children Resources for Parents: Curriculum, books, blogs, newsletters and other online sources that can be used by parents individually, in a Sunday School or a small group setting Resources for DoingGOD'S STORY, GOD'S SONG developed by the Building Faith writers
- A simple, multi-age one year curriculum traveling through the overarching story of the Bible. Flexible to be used in homes as well as in groups. Mennonite Education Association Resources for faith formation and parenting CONNECT Blog by Community Playthings - Gain access to numerous insights and ideas through subscribing to this free blog. The Lion and the Lamb Peace Arts Center - Through all appropriate means, but especially through arts and literature, The Lion and Lamb Peace Arts Center of Bluffton University promotes the study of peace and justice, cultural understanding and nonviolent responses to conflict with an emphasis on these themes for children. Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood - Reclaiming Childhood from Corporate Marketeers. Ideas and resources for screen free time. Flame Creative Children’s Ministry - Highly creative ideas for interacting with the Christian year, with ideas that work both in the home and in a church setting. Play Eat Grow - Where fun, faith and food collide. "Good job!" Is Praising Young Children a Good idea? - How to praise effort. Parenting Strategies for Raising Nonviolent Children Making a Mud Kitchen - Wonderful idea! Dig deeper in this website for more great ideas from Community Playthings. Talking with your child about death - Fred Rogers gives a very helpful resource, and a great video for children to watch. Traci Smith - A blog from the author of Seamless Faith. Inspiration for parents, caregivers, educators and pastors, as well as concrete ideas for integrating life into all parts of life. Julie Lyles Carr - We often are tempted to bubble-wrap our children as they go through life. This blog post has powerful encouragement to try another way. |
Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere
- Working together toward building a peaceful and just world for children everywhere. The Educators Spin on It - Parenting with purpose through the eyes of an educator TRUCE - Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment offers media, play and toy selection guides. Family Meals Research - Why eating together is important. Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University - A lot of good information! These are specificially about brain development. - Executive Function - Brain Architecture Zero to Three - Connecting in early childhood. Lots of great resources! Community Playthings - This is developed for educators but also very helpful for parents and caregivers. Lots of play-based learning that gets children interacting with nature! Wisdom of Nature - Why children in nature is important STEAM for All Ages - What are babies learning when they explore their world? A great, accessible article from the Fred Rogers Center. |
The above resources are intended to give helpful perspectives, but not all views presented on these external websites and blogs reflect the values of MECN.