In medieval times, the bells of Angelus would call people to prayer at regular intervals during the day. Having rhythm to our prayer life helps us remember God throughout the day. God wants us to be in communication, just like we check in with each other throughout the day. If we never called/skyped/visited/texted our grandparents, we wouldn’t know them very well, would we? Well, the same is true with God. One great way to check in with God is to say short prayers at lots of times during our day.
Read It
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - NRSV
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - NRSV

Do It
Prayer Call Day: Designate a bell, drum, or other loud instrument as the Prayer Call for the day. Anyone in the house is allowed to play it at any time (although you may have to set some parameters for naptimes), and when it’s heard, everyone stops and says a short prayer. Let the prayer be part of your moment – “God, thank you for this toy!” or “God, help me get the dishes done so we can have some fun!” or “God, I’m tired and I want a nap!” Be honest in your prayers and encourage your child(ren) to do the same. Depending on their age, you may want to say your prayers together, and very young children might just get a kick out of getting to send out the Prayer Call. If it works, do it randomly throughout the year, whenever your household is needing a reminder to check in with God.
Variation: Try other “triggers” for prayer. If you’re on a trip, pray each time you’re at a stoplight. If someone in your home is hearing impaired, flash the lights to call others to prayer. Pray whenever your phone gives a notification. Get creative, and do what suits your family or situation.
Prayer Call Day: Designate a bell, drum, or other loud instrument as the Prayer Call for the day. Anyone in the house is allowed to play it at any time (although you may have to set some parameters for naptimes), and when it’s heard, everyone stops and says a short prayer. Let the prayer be part of your moment – “God, thank you for this toy!” or “God, help me get the dishes done so we can have some fun!” or “God, I’m tired and I want a nap!” Be honest in your prayers and encourage your child(ren) to do the same. Depending on their age, you may want to say your prayers together, and very young children might just get a kick out of getting to send out the Prayer Call. If it works, do it randomly throughout the year, whenever your household is needing a reminder to check in with God.
Variation: Try other “triggers” for prayer. If you’re on a trip, pray each time you’re at a stoplight. If someone in your home is hearing impaired, flash the lights to call others to prayer. Pray whenever your phone gives a notification. Get creative, and do what suits your family or situation.
Pray It
God, thank you for always being there, ready to check in with us, whether we have a big need or we just want to say a quick thank you. Help us remember to be in communication with you and pray always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God, thank you for always being there, ready to check in with us, whether we have a big need or we just want to say a quick thank you. Help us remember to be in communication with you and pray always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.