April: Jesus Ascends - A story about Jesus and his disciples
Look Closer: When we put ourselves in the place of Jesus’s disciples after his resurrection, the idea of him only being with them for 40 days, then ascending to heaven seems kind of unfair! We would have wanted our friend to stay with us longer. But in one of the holy mysteries of God, Jesus’ ascension makes it so that he can be with the disciples as they share the good news in all the world. Instead of being in one place at a time, Jesus can now be with them - with us - in Spirit in all places at the same time. As Jan Milič Lochman puts it, “Jesus’s journey to heaven becomes the disciples’ journey to the ends of the earth.” This is a strange, mysterious story - fun to imagine and hard to understand! For children, it may be enough to simply hear, “Jesus ascended to heaven, and heaven is all around us. Jesus is with us.”
Spiral Deeper: As often happens in scripture, the disciples are having a hard time getting it in this story. They ask the question, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” It’s a nationalist question. It is human nature to want to shape the world in our own understanding, our own viewpoint - even when that means forcing it on others. But Jesus’s ministry (and the book of Acts) repeatedly show that the Kingdom of God Jesus ushered in is not about asserting power and drawing borders. It’s about infiltrating the world with gentle love. It’s not about building walls, but about opening doors. Jesus gently reminds these disciples that their job is to share the good news, not to take over the seats of governmental power. This continuing Jesus revolution we are part of is not Christian Nationalism. It’s Spirit-breathed love for all the world, welcoming the stranger and expanding our hearts and minds.
Spiral Deeper: As often happens in scripture, the disciples are having a hard time getting it in this story. They ask the question, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” It’s a nationalist question. It is human nature to want to shape the world in our own understanding, our own viewpoint - even when that means forcing it on others. But Jesus’s ministry (and the book of Acts) repeatedly show that the Kingdom of God Jesus ushered in is not about asserting power and drawing borders. It’s about infiltrating the world with gentle love. It’s not about building walls, but about opening doors. Jesus gently reminds these disciples that their job is to share the good news, not to take over the seats of governmental power. This continuing Jesus revolution we are part of is not Christian Nationalism. It’s Spirit-breathed love for all the world, welcoming the stranger and expanding our hearts and minds.
Read It: Acts 1:1-11
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Pray It: Jesus, you are right here, beside me. I don’t see you, but I trust that you are here. I want to know you as my friend. Amen

Do It: Explore the mystery of this story!
Blow bubbles. Notice the soap in its liquid form - you can feel it, pour it, see it. Notice how it changes when you blow a bubble. Watch bubbles float away. Pop bubbles. What happened to that soap? Is it still in the air? But now you can’t see it or feel it! We just know it has to be there.
Explore the story. Read the story - from the Bible and maybe from a children’s story Bible or two. Try acting it out. Or draw what you think it might have looked like. Use playdough or Legos to tell the story. Use your imaginations to tell this strange story.
Blow bubbles. Notice the soap in its liquid form - you can feel it, pour it, see it. Notice how it changes when you blow a bubble. Watch bubbles float away. Pop bubbles. What happened to that soap? Is it still in the air? But now you can’t see it or feel it! We just know it has to be there.
Explore the story. Read the story - from the Bible and maybe from a children’s story Bible or two. Try acting it out. Or draw what you think it might have looked like. Use playdough or Legos to tell the story. Use your imaginations to tell this strange story.
Explore it: Notes from Tami
Jesus is with us now! This is such a mystery for us, not just young children to comprehend. These songs help children experience Jesus’ presence.
These two articles provide some practical insights:
Jesus is with us now! This is such a mystery for us, not just young children to comprehend. These songs help children experience Jesus’ presence.
- Jesus is With Us Today
- When I Am Afraid based on Psalm 56:3-6 has various versions including on Volume 6 of The Soil and The Seed Project
These two articles provide some practical insights: