May: Bedtime blessing

Blessings can be found all over the Bible. Also known as benedictions, they are a way to remember that we belong to God, and are often given at the end of something (like in this month’s blessing from an epistle). The “priestly blessing” from Numbers 6:24-26 is probably the most familiar to us (look it up!). This month’s practice is saying regular blessings to our children. Doing this regularly has a multi-level effect. It gives us a time every day to use the language of faith, it’s a regular, positive interaction with the child, it brings comfort, and it changes the mindsets of the giver and the receiver. Blessings are a reminder that God’s spirit is within the child, that Jesus is with them wherever they go, and that the caregiver loves and respects them, too. A simple thing that makes a big difference over time.
Read It II Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
Pray It
God, give us the patience, the grace, the words, and the persistence to remember your presence with each of us, every day. Amen.
God, give us the patience, the grace, the words, and the persistence to remember your presence with each of us, every day. Amen.

Do It
Begin saying a regular, daily blessing for your child. It may feel lovely, or it may feel strange/silly at first. Keep at it! It’s worth it. Our children are ages 11 and 8 now, and still, when we say their nightly blessing, their bodies relax, they close their eyes, and they breathe in that blessing. Here are some things to keep in mind:-Lay a hand on your child and look into their eyes as you say the words.
-We’re recommending bedtime here, but you may have a different daily time that works for you. Maybe you take your child to school or childcare, and this is a parting blessing. One family we know says the blessing during nightly tooth-brushing! Consistency is what’s important.
-Blessings are not one-size-fits-all, so let this be a little bit organic. Experiment with what words to say until you land on what works. If you have multiple children, your blessings may be different for each of them.
-Try printing this out blessings_for_children.docx (fill in your child(ren)’s name), framing it, and putting it in the place where you’re going to be giving blessings. That way, you have lots of blessings to try as you find your blessing!
Begin saying a regular, daily blessing for your child. It may feel lovely, or it may feel strange/silly at first. Keep at it! It’s worth it. Our children are ages 11 and 8 now, and still, when we say their nightly blessing, their bodies relax, they close their eyes, and they breathe in that blessing. Here are some things to keep in mind:-Lay a hand on your child and look into their eyes as you say the words.
-We’re recommending bedtime here, but you may have a different daily time that works for you. Maybe you take your child to school or childcare, and this is a parting blessing. One family we know says the blessing during nightly tooth-brushing! Consistency is what’s important.
-Blessings are not one-size-fits-all, so let this be a little bit organic. Experiment with what words to say until you land on what works. If you have multiple children, your blessings may be different for each of them.
-Try printing this out blessings_for_children.docx (fill in your child(ren)’s name), framing it, and putting it in the place where you’re going to be giving blessings. That way, you have lots of blessings to try as you find your blessing!
Explore it: A Note from Tami
While giving a blessing draws us and our child close to God, it is different than a prayer: When we pray, we direct our words toward God; but in a blessing, we direct our words to an individual. We began doing this when our daughters were very young, before they could talk. Though the specific blessing varied over time, it continued to be a meaningful ritual as they grew up. I believe that the consistency of doing this each night gave a positive note to the end of their day and nurtured their security in our home and in their relationship with God. This article provides further insights into blessing children and offers suggested blessings. Though most of these blessings are more complex than we share with young children, they can be used as a basis for developing our own simple blessings. This article discusses multiple ways we bless our children: through meaningful conversations, Bible readings and other stories, prayer, songs, and parting blessings.
Would you like to sing your blessing? "Goodnight,. God is watching over you" This is a simple song that you can change words to fit you and your child.
While giving a blessing draws us and our child close to God, it is different than a prayer: When we pray, we direct our words toward God; but in a blessing, we direct our words to an individual. We began doing this when our daughters were very young, before they could talk. Though the specific blessing varied over time, it continued to be a meaningful ritual as they grew up. I believe that the consistency of doing this each night gave a positive note to the end of their day and nurtured their security in our home and in their relationship with God. This article provides further insights into blessing children and offers suggested blessings. Though most of these blessings are more complex than we share with young children, they can be used as a basis for developing our own simple blessings. This article discusses multiple ways we bless our children: through meaningful conversations, Bible readings and other stories, prayer, songs, and parting blessings.
Would you like to sing your blessing? "Goodnight,. God is watching over you" This is a simple song that you can change words to fit you and your child.